Teens are…

…the opportunities we never had.

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We all imagine a future for our children that is full of the opportunity to succeed. What is also important is that our children are healthy and fit throughout their lives to enjoy the lives we strive to create for them. We want them to have courage, freedom and desire to engage every opportunity that life presents.

Current lifestyles and conveniences may give psychological development, however its downside is an increasingly sedentary environment

Saturday: 12:30pm (Teens)

With reduced physical activity – technology actively working against the natural development of motor skills, there is a heightening risk of minor injuries together with growing childhood obesity rates.

Our aim is to build upon natural motor patterns that develop physical fitness and promote athleticism. Protecting them against sports injury, boosting their performance – mentally and physically, and pushing back against obesity.

We want to provide children with a sense of adventure, passion, and joy in exercise, to trying new things with enthusiasm, and tackle adult life with the confidence to grasp opportunities.

If you are interested in taking part please contact us for more information on our Teens programme.